
您現在可以使用 RevisionRepository 中的方法來查詢實體的修訂版本,如下面的測試案例所示

@Import(EnversDemoConfiguration.class) (1)
class EnversIntegrationTests {

	final PersonRepository repository;
	final TransactionTemplate tx;

	EnversIntegrationTests(@Autowired PersonRepository repository, @Autowired PlatformTransactionManager tm) {
		this.repository = repository;
		this.tx = new TransactionTemplate(tm);

	void testRepository() {

		Person updated = preparePersonHistory();

		Revisions<Long, Person> revisions = repository.findRevisions(updated.id);

		Iterator<Revision<Long, Person>> revisionIterator = revisions.iterator();

		checkNextRevision(revisionIterator, "John", RevisionType.INSERT);
		checkNextRevision(revisionIterator, "Jonny", RevisionType.UPDATE);
		checkNextRevision(revisionIterator, null, RevisionType.DELETE);


    * Checks that the next element in the iterator is a Revision entry referencing a Person
    * with the given name after whatever change brought that Revision into existence.
    * <p>
    * As a side effect the Iterator gets advanced by one element.
    * @param revisionIterator the iterator to be tested.
    * @param name the expected name of the Person referenced by the Revision.
    * @param revisionType the type of the revision denoting if it represents an insert, update or delete.
	private void checkNextRevision(Iterator<Revision<Long, Person>> revisionIterator, String name,
			RevisionType revisionType) {

		Revision<Long, Person> revision = revisionIterator.next();

    * Creates a Person with a couple of changes so it has a non-trivial revision history.
    * @return the created Person.
	private Person preparePersonHistory() {

		Person john = new Person();

		// create
		Person saved = tx.execute(__ -> repository.save(john));


		// update
		Person updated = tx.execute(__ -> repository.save(saved));

		// delete
		tx.executeWithoutResult(__ -> repository.delete(updated));
		return updated;
1 這參考了先前 (在組態章節中) 呈現的應用程式內容組態。


您可以下載 Spring Data Envers 範例,位於 Spring Data Examples 儲存庫 並試用,以感受該程式庫的運作方式。

您也應該查看 RevisionRepository 的 Javadoc 和相關類別。

Spring Data Envers 的原始碼和問題追蹤器託管在 GitHub 上 (作為 Spring Data JPA 的模組)。