Spring for GraphQL
If you want to build GraphQL applications, you can take advantage of Spring Boot’s auto-configuration for Spring for GraphQL. The Spring for GraphQL project is based on GraphQL Java. You’ll need the spring-boot-starter-graphql
starter at a minimum. Because GraphQL is transport-agnostic, you’ll also need to have one or more additional starters in your application to expose your GraphQL API over the web
Starter | Transport | Implementation |
Spring MVC |
WebSocket |
WebSocket for Servlet apps |
HTTP, WebSocket |
Spring WebFlux |
TCP, WebSocket |
Spring WebFlux on Reactor Netty |
GraphQL Schema
A Spring GraphQL application requires a defined schema at startup. By default, you can write ".graphqls" or ".gqls" schema files under src/main/resources/graphql/**
and Spring Boot will pick them up automatically. You can customize the locations with spring.graphql.schema.locations
and the file extensions with spring.graphql.schema.file-extensions
If you want Spring Boot to detect schema files in all your application modules and dependencies for that location, you can set spring.graphql.schema.locations to "classpath*:graphql/**/" (note the classpath*: prefix). |
In the following sections, we’ll consider this sample GraphQL schema, defining two types and two queries
type Query {
greeting(name: String! = "Spring"): String!
project(slug: ID!): Project
""" A Project in the Spring portfolio """
type Project {
""" Unique string id used in URLs """
slug: ID!
""" Project name """
name: String!
""" URL of the git repository """
repositoryUrl: String!
""" Current support status """
status: ProjectStatus!
enum ProjectStatus {
""" Actively supported by the Spring team """
""" Supported by the community """
""" Prototype, not officially supported yet """
""" Project being retired, in maintenance mode """
""" End-Of-Lifed """
By default, field introspection will be allowed on the schema as it is required for tools such as GraphiQL. If you wish to not expose information about the schema, you can disable introspection by setting spring.graphql.schema.introspection.enabled to false . |
GraphQL RuntimeWiring
The GraphQL Java RuntimeWiring.Builder
can be used to register custom scalar types, directives, type resolvers, DataFetcher
, and more. You can declare RuntimeWiringConfigurer
beans in your Spring config to get access to the RuntimeWiring.Builder
. Spring Boot detects such beans and adds them to the GraphQlSource builder.
Typically, however, applications will not implement DataFetcher
directly and will instead create annotated controllers. Spring Boot will automatically detect @Controller
classes with annotated handler methods and register those as DataFetcher
s. Here’s a sample implementation for our greeting query with a @Controller
import org.springframework.graphql.data.method.annotation.Argument;
import org.springframework.graphql.data.method.annotation.QueryMapping;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller;
public class GreetingController {
public String greeting(@Argument String name) {
return "Hello, " + name + "!";
import org.springframework.graphql.data.method.annotation.Argument
import org.springframework.graphql.data.method.annotation.QueryMapping
import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller
class GreetingController {
fun greeting(@Argument name: String): String {
return "Hello, $name!"
Querydsl and QueryByExample Repositories Support
Spring Data offers support for both Querydsl and QueryByExample repositories. Spring GraphQL can configure Querydsl and QueryByExample repositories as DataFetcher
Spring Data repositories annotated with @GraphQlRepository
and extending one of
are detected by Spring Boot and considered as candidates for DataFetcher
for matching top-level queries.
HTTP and WebSocket
The GraphQL HTTP endpoint is at HTTP POST /graphql
by default. It also supports the "text/event-stream"
media type over Server Sent Events for subscriptions only. The path can be customized with spring.graphql.path
The HTTP endpoint for both Spring MVC and Spring WebFlux is provided by a RouterFunction bean with an @Order of 0 . If you define your own RouterFunction beans, you may want to add appropriate @Order annotations to ensure that they are sorted correctly. |
The GraphQL WebSocket endpoint is off by default. To enable it
For a Servlet application, add the WebSocket starter
For a WebFlux application, no additional dependency is required
For both, the
application property must be set
Spring GraphQL provides a Web Interception model. This is quite useful for retrieving information from an HTTP request header and set it in the GraphQL context or fetching information from the same context and writing it to a response header. With Spring Boot, you can declare a WebInterceptor
bean to have it registered with the web transport.
Spring MVC and Spring WebFlux support CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) requests. CORS is a critical part of the web config for GraphQL applications that are accessed from browsers using different domains.
Spring Boot supports many configuration properties under the spring.graphql.cors.*
namespace; here’s a short configuration sample
allowed-origins: "https://example.org"
allowed-methods: GET,POST
max-age: 1800s
RSocket is also supported as a transport, on top of WebSocket or TCP. Once the RSocket server is configured, we can configure our GraphQL handler on a particular route using spring.graphql.rsocket.mapping
. For example, configuring that mapping as "graphql"
means we can use that as a route when sending requests with the RSocketGraphQlClient
Spring Boot auto-configures a RSocketGraphQlClient.Builder<?>
bean that you can inject in your components
public class RSocketGraphQlClientExample {
private final RSocketGraphQlClient graphQlClient;
public RSocketGraphQlClientExample(RSocketGraphQlClient.Builder<?> builder) {
this.graphQlClient = builder.tcp("example.spring.io", 8181).route("graphql").build();
class RSocketGraphQlClientExample(private val builder: RSocketGraphQlClient.Builder<*>) {
And then send a request: include-code::RSocketGraphQlClientExample[tag=request]
Exception Handling
Spring GraphQL enables applications to register one or more Spring DataFetcherExceptionResolver
components that are invoked sequentially. The Exception must be resolved to a list of graphql.GraphQLError
objects, see Spring GraphQL exception handling documentation. Spring Boot will automatically detect DataFetcherExceptionResolver
beans and register them with the GraphQlSource.Builder
GraphiQL and Schema Printer
Spring GraphQL offers infrastructure for helping developers when consuming or developing a GraphQL API.
Spring GraphQL ships with a default GraphiQL page that is exposed at "/graphiql"
by default. This page is disabled by default and can be turned on with the spring.graphql.graphiql.enabled
property. Many applications exposing such a page will prefer a custom build. A default implementation is very useful during development, this is why it is exposed automatically with spring-boot-devtools
during development.
You can also choose to expose the GraphQL schema in text format at /graphql/schema
when the spring.graphql.schema.printer.enabled
property is enabled.